How do I join Interactive Activities?

Click on the buttons below:


While we do have live moderators, please note that these events are taking place live and some items are beyond our control.

By joining these interactive activities, you are taking part in a public event.

These are being streamed live to YouTube for all audience members to watch; however, will not be available after the event.

Join us in our Zoom room for Interactive Activities!

To enter our Zoom room, you must have the passcode as provided in the craft package that you picked up from Kingsway Mall.

Please note that you will be placed in a waiting room and a host will let you in.

Remember: You must use the Raise Hand function or set a Reaction at the bottom of the Zoom window and a host will unmute you to ask your question. You can also use the text chat.

As an audience member, please watch the Interactive Activities by clicking here.

Click on the purple button to join the Interactive Activities room below:

I Need Technical Help


Clicking on the buttons above will link you to a Zoom meeting.

Please follow the directions on the screen to install Zoom if you do not have it already.

The web browser client will download automatically when you join our Zoom meeting.

You can join on your computer or mobile device.

The ZOOM Cloud Meetings app is available in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Please note our chat functions are purposefully disabled within Zoom so everyone can follow the directions of the host.

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